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It is an occurrence caused by excessive or rapid ingestion of air, food or water, which causes bloat and consequent gastric rotation, which causes strangulation of the pylorus, duodenum and veins, preventing blood circulation, causing atrocious suffering and leading to death within a few hours (or even in less than an hour). It is common in large breeds and, although there may be a familial predisposition (deep chest, laxity of the stomach ligaments, excitable, nervous or fearful nature, craving for food), environmental factors can trigger gastric dilation and torsion.

Torção gástrica

What is gastric torsion?

Thera gestante_edited.jpg

What are the                           symptoms?

If your Estrela​


  • appears visibly unwell and restless

  • presents a dilated and hard abdomen, especially on the left side

  • tries to vomit without being able to

  • pants and has intense salivation ​


take them immediately to the vet, who will have to empty their stomach by intubation or surgery.

How to
  avoid it?


As prevention, your dog should:


  • eat at least two meals a day

  • eat a good quality diet, no cereals as first ingredient

  • do not run before or after meals

  • eating from food dispensers that make the meal take longer

  • always have water available ​


If your dog has a family history of stomach torsion, has slow digestion or has had bloat in the past, it may be advisable to have surgery to fix the stomach (gastropexy), so you should speak to your vet about this possibility.

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